“We, the People”. Those. Three. Words. We memorized them as kids but I’m not sure we can really appreciate them until we pay bills, taxes and vote. I can say from experience that I memorized the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution as a kid but I never truly understood what “We, the People” meant until […]
Who is the Government?
“We, the People”. Those. Three. Words. We memorized them as kids but I’m not sure we can really appreciate them until we pay bills, taxes and vote. I can say from experience that I memorized the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution as a kid but I never truly understood what “We, the People” meant until […]
Welcome to Common Sense Civics & Citizenship
It’s just Common Sense Civics and Citizenship…. We’ve all looked around and sensed a dissatisfaction with the American way of life. It’s reminiscent of the 1960’s, isn’t it? It’s like the whole nation is up for grabs to the highest social/emotional bidder. At the encouragement of some friends, I started jotting down and videotaping thoughts […]