Recently, one of our participants commented on a Convention of States regarding term limits and the control and rules of said Convention. Let’s explore this topic with the help of Article V and Constitutional Study author Paul Engel’s writings. The Accurate Term For a Convention of States First, the most accurate term for a Convention […]
About that Article V Convention…
Article V deals with the amendment process. Either two-thirds of both houses of Congress can propose an amendment OR two-thirds of the state legislators (34 states) can call a Convention of States. Such an Article V convention would have an agenda limited to a specific agenda for a specific purpose to amend a specific provision […]
From the Mailbag
From my mailbag: Let’s take a peek inside my Common Sense Civics and Citizenship mailbag to see what is on a few fellow Americans’ minds. (There’s always a link on this website to “Join the Conversation” if you would like to see the responses and conversations we have on my social media education page). Question: […]