We know that if guns are removed from the hands of law abiding citizens, criminals will still get their hands on some other form of weaponry-like a truck, for example. Removal of trucks and/or guns doesn’t solve the problem, so let’s consider what might be the root cause of the heinous acts of mass murder we have seen in recent weeks. We can trace mental illness to one murderer but in the case of another, there is still no motive. We can perhaps ascribe hatred in the heart to all murderers but which one of us hasn’t battled feelings of hatred? Haven’t we gossiped or wished ill on another person? What stopped us from going further? Consider the fact that in this country, our Constitution does not allow us to be punished for our thoughts, only our actions. Would it not be reasonable to look at the mind and heart of Americans, which our Founders believed were governed by the laws of nature and nature’s God, not government? Apply common sense here. It would seem that when a Supreme Court ruling took prayer out of schools and the market place, it only took a generation to start seeing the results. The idea that We, the People are accountable to a Higher Authority for our actions, served in the prior 200 years to reinforce self-restraint. Similarly, when the Supreme Court no longer ascribed the laws of nature and nature’s God to the unborn, it only took a generation to witness how life became expendable for personal convenience. Common sense would dictate that We, the People begin petitioning Congress to reinforce the freedoms guaranteed to us by the First, Second, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, not let the Supreme Court strip them away. That’s Common Sense Civics and Citizenship at work!