Are presidential candidates basically activist influencers? Moreover, would you go to Tic Tac [misspelling intentional] to find your ideal presidential candidate? This idea was posed to me by a thirty-something guy whose job is— wait for it— social media. I think if you are young, this may look like the future, that is, choosing your […]
A Road Map for What’s Next
“These are the times that try men’s souls…”- Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense. As Americans, we can relate to Thomas Paine’s pain, if you will. We wonder, what will happen in the next days and weeks to our country? What will be the outcome? Since this is a civics education page, I will summarize […]
Election 2020 – The Long Road Map
There is a Civics drought in America. (Can you tell ??!) Facts, not “feels,” are needed. Who is with me? Let’s start down the long, narrow road to understanding. First, we are not a direct democracy, so the popular vote and Electoral College tabulations by the media do not make a President. Not one state, […]
America Has A Job Opening
How would you answer the following ad? Wanted: millions of citizens who are willing to stand up for free, fair, and legal elections. Requirements: patience, courage, calmness, concern for the Republic, love for the Constitution over candidate Note: The unscrupulous, angry, win-at-any-cost, or “fed up” need not apply. Ready to fill out your resume”? Here […]
Now What?
Where do we go from here? Things are happening so fast in these post-election hours and days that we aren’t sure what is going on. Seriously. Remember: the first story is never the real story. We follow that rule here at Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. Patience is your friend in this election of 2020. […]
Election Day Is Upon Us
Election Day is upon us. It’s not the names of the candidates for me. It’s about our 240+-year-old American heritage. Will we vote for freedom and put socialism far away from us? Will we vote for individual self-reliance? Or will we vote for a nanny state? Will we vote for the Bill of Rights and […]