The Supreme Court Renders Its Opinion on the Fourteenth Amendment, Sec. 3: The big winner is The U.S. Constitution, 9-0. What Does the Supreme Court’s Decision Say? “Responsibility for enforcing Section 3 (of the fourteenth amendment) against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the states.” The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court, […]
The Judicial Branch and You
With this week’s wealth of negative news, let’s focus on something concrete and trustworthy. Let’s look at Article III of the Constitution, which establishes the federal government’s Judicial Branch. Article III is short. The Judicial Branch, which seems so complicated, is understandable. I’ll be teaching some of this material to teenagers this week. Let’s refresh […]
Supreme Court Decisions, Decisions
Thank you for returning to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. Today, we are looking at two of the latest Supreme Court decisions. I give you my thoughts in this newsletter about these First and Ninth Amendment cases. Let’s dive right in… The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the abortion decision to […]
Mother’s Day-A Celebration of Life?
Welcome back to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. This week, it’s on everyone’s radar screen- the life issue. Our articles in this newsletter concern the major topic this week-the leaked draft opinion on Roe v. Wade. Once again, America is taking this topic head-on, and so will we. Thanks for joining us as we dive […]
The Leaked SCOTUS Draft
It’s all over the news. The SCOTUS draft opinion leak has rearranged the headlines from top to bottom. Facts are just beginning to emerge. From a civics and citizenship perspective, let’s discuss what we know and its relevance to everyday Americans. What does this leaked opinion mean? It means nothing until a final Supreme Court […]
Justice Clarence Thomas’ Dissent-a learning opportunity
So many voices, and for me, so little clarity. Let’s do some discovery. Justice Clarence Thomas issued a dissenting opinion on the Pennsylvania election case, specifically, the denial of a writ of certiorari. (What is that? See below) His writing presents a learning opportunity for us. The opinion is short, readable, understandable, and gives us […]
If You Pack It In, Pack It Up
Bad things happen when we get our civics from secondary sources. Let me illustrate a principle: If you have a 6-pack of beer and drink 1 can, you no longer have a 6-pack. If you replace that can, you have a 6-pack. You are replacing the can. If you have a 6-pack of beer and […]
The Judicial Branch
Since May and June are the months that the Supreme Court announces opinions, let’s review what the Constitution says about the Judicial Branch in the U.S. Constitution, Article III. First, the Supreme Court cannot enforce the law, nor does the Constitution give the high court any power to make the law. Its job is to […]
Lessons Learned: Filling Vacancies on the Supreme Court
Maybe you felt it or just got this sense about our nation in the past few weeks. Would you say that the Senate hearings to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court was the most involved America has been in decades? Perhaps. More importantly, what did we learn from this historic week in America? Here […]