What happens when government policies submerge the will of the People? For one, we lose freedom. Let’s explore this topic as it affects many nations, including ours. In free countries, the people’s will is supposed to guide government policies. However, when government policies override or, worse, ignore the will of the people, freedom is the […]
Another Government Shutdown??
Here we go again. Another Government Shutdown by Saturday? There are six bills that must be passed to avert a “shutdown.” These bills deal mostly with Homeland Security. There are broad disagreements over securing the border and immigration. What”s Behind a Government Shutdown Keep in mind what is behind a government shutdown. There’s the proverbial […]
Three Branches of Government and Why It Matters
How did our Founders arrive at the concept of three branches of government, and why does it matter? The Concept of Three Branches of Government Goes Way Back Have you ever heard of Polybius, the ancient Greek historian? Me neither, until today. He found the three popular forms of governance in his day to have […]
Government Shutdown? We Will Survive
So, if there is a government shutdown, what does that mean for you? I know we’ve been told that the world will come to an end. Sigh. That was until the looming shutdown hit the back pages of the news cycle… until it becomes front and center once again soon. Been There. Done That. We’ve […]
When “They” Say “Democracy”
When “they” say “democracy,” what “they” really mean is Big Government control. “They” (and you know who “they” are) use these words as synonyms. You know what a democracy is but be careful how the word is used. Since we have civil discussions here, we will stick to the principles of liberty, not the many […]
Threats to Democracy?
We’re hearing rumblings about “threats to democracy.” Exactly, what does that mean? First, let’s define “democracy.” Founder James Madison called it “mob rule.” It’s a majority vote, no debate. That’s why our Founders adopted a Constitutional Republic where debate occurs, not a revolving door of hot-headed legislation. Recently, democracy has been described as “three wolves […]
Think and Do, Not Feel and Repeat
Are you tired of arguing? Have you lost friends and relatives over your opinions? Let me ask you: What’s the difference between a debate question and a policy question? Not knowing the answer separates the closest of friends these days in our country. We must understand the difference to lay the groundwork for a civil […]
Civics and Citizenship Issues: Emergency Preparedness
Have you been watching the Texas weather-related energy crisis? Who could have anticipated what happened there? What if something similar occurred within the entire United States? (Electromagnetic Pulse aka EMP)? It’s a civics and citizenship issue that requires a common-sense discussion and application. When I observed what is happening in Texas, I thought it might […]
The President is Ill
Our President is ill. Will one of our enemies take advantage of this situation? Before 6:00 a.m., when I heard the news that the President and First Lady contracted coronavirus, the commentator’s very next sentence was speculation about U.S. vulnerability to our adversaries. What might Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran view as an […]
Simple Civics 101- Special Interest Groups
Simple Civics 101- Special Interest Groups Special Interest Groups often get a bad rap. Let’s learn about them-who they are, what they do, and why they exist. Special Interest Groups are composed of like-minded people seeking to advocate for their cause, educate the public, and influence public policy. They work through the political process to […]
Keep America Free
There’s a war of ideologies going on. Make no mistake, destroying symbols of history without the destroyers even understanding history, tearing apart and occupying cities, the cancel culture movement, the re-branding of America as something it is not and never was designed to be, disrespecting the National Anthem, forcing Americans to say and do as […]
What Will a Post-COVID USA Look Like?
What kind of government will we have when the dust clears from the COViD crisis? Will we become a nation of men rather than a nation of laws? Will we be subject to rule by a few? Or will we retain our heritage of a constitutional republic of, by, and for the People? We need […]