Today, our children know our country better by its politics than its traditions. I hope to change that this week in my Jr. High and High School civics classes by asking, “What are some of the Inauguration traditions that our country enjoys?” Did you know there is a First Nail Ceremony? This event, with its […]
Preserving the Peaceful Transfer of Power
As we prepare for the peaceful transfer of power in our nation on January 20, perhaps you thought the 2024 election was controversial. History shows our nation had other contentious moments but came together for a peaceful transfer of power. Controversy and Unity in the Election of 1800 Look up the election in 1800 between […]
Jimmy Carter, 39th President, 1924-2024
The longest living President, Jimmy Carter, passed away this week. Reflections on Carter’s presidency often highlight significant challenges and unpopular or failed solutions. Who remembers lining up to get gas for their car? How about Carter’s strong suggestion to “wear a sweater” and keep indoor temps to 55 degrees? (It was cold!) Remember the Iranian […]
Stinking Thinking in America and the Path Forward
Have you heard? Some Americans are sympathizing with, even claiming to love, a CEO killer they neither know nor have met. This is not normal. Yet, in the twentieth century and today, certain Americans evaluate suspects based solely on their outward appearance, disregarding the alleged crime entirely. This blind affirmation of physicality over facts or […]
The Four Types of Jurisdiction
Do you know the four types of government jurisdiction? Hint: the first one is not national government! Self-government is the first jurisdiction of government. To live in a free society, one must govern oneself. This involves self-control, maturity, and a set of values that respects the proper use of personal freedom as well as the […]
Perspective Is Needed
The world is a quagmire right now, so we perspective. Consider the following statements: Heard, Seen, Or Said Recently “How many people are putting themselves in harm’s way so you can be free?” “If you want to know what a country really thinks, don’t believe what they say until you verify what they teach their […]
Is This The Way to Choose a Presidential Candidate?
Are presidential candidates basically activist influencers? Moreover, would you go to Tic Tac [misspelling intentional] to find your ideal presidential candidate? This idea was posed to me by a thirty-something guy whose job is— wait for it— social media. I think if you are young, this may look like the future, that is, choosing your […]
The Latest Polls Show Patriotism, Faith, Work Ethic Declining
Are you surprised? Americans’ patriotism, faith, and work ethic are on the decline, so says the latest polls conducted by the Wall Street Journal (links provided below). I’ve listened to a couple of discussions on this topic. People blame smartphones or the pandemic as the cause. I think there is another cause—selfishness— which takes many […]
How is it that the country’s supposedly best and brightest fail yet again? We don’t need to be financial gurus to understand risk/reward and success/failure. Common sense goes a long way in life. You don’t need a master’s degree to understand it. Why can’t the likes of high end bank executives “get” it? Because they […]
What Kind of Government Do You Want?
Do you want a centralized government where the federal government has the power and most of the control? Or do you prefer a national government with a constitution that divides federal power with regional entities (like states)? Think about it carefully. What Are the Arguments? The argument for a centralized authority sounds something like this: […]
How Do You Select Leaders?
When you cast your ballot, what factors determine who you choose to lead? How do you select leaders? That was the topic in my Jr. High civics class this week. It sounds so simple, but then again, it’s not easy, as my ‘tweens discovered. Maturity I asked the students what “maturity” meant. One child answered, […]
Who Should Pay Your Debt?
How much is your degree worth? Isn’t that the question Americans should be asking themselves, rather than “Can I get my fellow Americans to pay off some of my debt?” Our younger generation firmly believes that they should study subjects that indulge their passions. So, they attend a college that holds classes only Mondays through […]
Lessons of the Unwanted
You’ve heard the argument: Now that Roe is repealed, who will take all those babies? (Translation: “those babies that should have been aborted”). Then they ask, “will you?” It’s not just the young that think this way. Raise your hand if you’ve heard this argument waged by a middle-aged or older adult. Yes. That’s what […]
Headlines and Hoodwinks
Do you ever wonder about those in-depth articles that go on and on, diving deep into a story? Who has the time to read the whole story? Apparently, not many Americans do. I think about how much time it takes to research and write a report or story as I skip over intense content to […]
Truth and Error
How much of what you are hearing is propaganda? How would you know? What methods are practical in discerning truth from error? Who do you believe? What do you believe? Why do you believe it? These are questions I have been asking myself. A few of my young students are hearing things at home and […]