(We now add to our study, The Bill of Rights, the fifth (and final) in our series of liberty-building blocks based on America’s Founding Principles.) Do you know what rights The Bill of Rights guarantees to you as a U.S citizen? Conduct an impromptu survey, and you will find that many Americans do not know […]
Founding Principles: Constitutional Precautions
(This is the fourth in a series on Founding Principles with help from the Bill of Rights Institute. These principles are the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. They keep us a free, self-governing people. So far, we have covered Natural Rights, Consent and a Republic, and Limited Government). Grab a cup of coffee or tea […]
Founding Principles: How the Constitution Guards Against Tyranny
(This is the fourth in a series. Today we focus on Founding Principles: How the Constitution Guards Against Tyranny with help from the Bill of Rights Institute. These principles are the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. They keep us a free, self-governing people. Grab a cup of coffee or tea because today, we add the […]
Founding Principles: Limited Government
Founding Principles: Limited Government (This is the third in a series on Founding Principles with help from the Bill of Rights Institute. These principles are the foundation of our Constitutional Republic). We are studying a series of liberty-building blocks based on America’s Founding Principles. So far, we have covered: 1. Natural rights https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=773639008103108&set=a.507545634712448 2. Consent […]
Founding Principles: Consent and a Republic
(This is the second in a series on Founding Principles with help from the Bill of Rights Institute. These principles are the foundation of our Constitutional Republic). If I titled this article “Consent and a Republican Government,” I’m guessing at least half the viewers and readers of this page would think I was talking about […]