America will survive. Some of you have written to me that, as a country, you think we are doomed. Last week, I heard this while driving: “America has had problems before. We solved the problems. It will be good again.” This sentiment resonates with me. I believe America will survive. Things will be good again […]
Liberty and Lawlessness Cannot Co-Exist
Liberty and lawlessness cannot co-exist. Only moral governments can remain free. There are Americans who object to the statement by Founding Father, the first Vice-President, and second President of the United States, John Adams. He said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of […]
Consistency Is Key In Being American
I am humbled and truly impressed that our Founders understood the need to tolerate each other’s differences but united on a common goal: to build the United States of America on sound principles that work when practiced with consistency. As an illustration, have you ever heard of a 3 yr old’s basketball team? I went […]
Excuse! What Is the Government’s Latest?
Have you noticed a trend lately? Government makes an excuse for perceived errors. It goes something like this: (relax, people) “It happens all the time.” Isn’t this excusing the abnormal away? What is the Government’s latest excuse? Here are a few examples: “Lots of countries have il-legals crossing the border.” In other words, you and […]
The Simplest Explanation
What in the world is going on? If we listen and observe, sometimes the truth is right there in front of us. The simplest explanation for an occurrence is usually correct. As I write this, there has been yet another train derailment, and three more UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena-it’s the new name for UFOs) are […]
UFO and Spy Balloons In U.S. Airspace?
Indeed by now, some official knows who is sending strange unidentified flying objects, aka UFO, over American airspace. Is E.T. phoning home? Who’s invading our skies? Armchair spy addicts and news-watchers want to hear the latest. Yet, our government seems a little too silent on the “spy in the sky.” When convenient, the press awards itself […]