Have you considered the Seventh and Eighth Amendments as guardians of Justice and Liberty for We the People? The Seventh Amendment protects the right to a jury trial in (federal) civil cases. This was a big deal to the Anti-Federalists, so much so that James Madison had to construct this amendment and add it to […]
Founding Principles: The Bill of Rights
(We now add to our study, The Bill of Rights, the fifth (and final) in our series of liberty-building blocks based on America’s Founding Principles.) Do you know what rights The Bill of Rights guarantees to you as a U.S citizen? Conduct an impromptu survey, and you will find that many Americans do not know […]
The Bill of Rights Explained
(We now add to our study, The Bill of Rights, the fifth (and final) in our series of liberty-building blocks based on America’s Founding Principles.) Do you know what rights The Bill of Rights guarantees to you as a U.S citizen? Conduct an impromptu survey, and you will find that many Americans do not know […]
Could We Lose One Amendment In Our Bill of Rights?
What if a political party or a group of representatives carefully crafts a proposed amendment that circumvents an amendment in our Bill of Rights? This is a question from one of our participants. It’s a point that we ought to explore. Our participant points out that today we see a complete disregard for our U.S. […]
News, Facts, Opinion
Are opinion journalists allowed to have an opinion when reporting the news? This is a sticking point in American discourse this week. Let’s explore this question. If born before 1975, you may remember news as just the news. In other words, just the facts without editorial comment. The consumer was expected to draw their conclusion […]
The Fifth Amendment and Private Property
What if the government wants to buy your property for its own use? The pictures below depict a home surrounded by beautiful woods— AND a frontage road, an interstate highway, sports field(s), and a multi-story hotel (I took the pictures from the hotel’s 5th-floor window). What is this home doing in the middle of a […]
Keep Your Eye on the Fourth Amendment
Are you confused? Hearing or reading all kinds of things that a regular everyday American may find hard to follow? Join the club. I’m not a lawyer, but this is what I have so far. My concern remains to seek out the facts and the constitutional lens from which the event concerning the former President […]
Headlines and Hoodwinks
Do you ever wonder about those in-depth articles that go on and on, diving deep into a story? Who has the time to read the whole story? Apparently, not many Americans do. I think about how much time it takes to research and write a report or story as I skip over intense content to […]
Speak Up!
Welcome back to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. Speak Up! That’s our focus this week. I hope you find these articles instructive and encouraging as you exercise your First Amendment rights. Someone asked me if we are allowed to criticize any public official at the highest levels. Imagine not knowing your rights or the extent […]
Federalism Explained
A question I get asked a lot is why different states have different rules. Like, why does Florida do things one way and California operate differently? Why is CC licensing easier in Utah than in Illinois? Why aren’t the vote-ing systems precisely the same in all 50 states? It’s called “federalism.” I’ll explain it this […]
Pandemic Life in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia
Wonder what the atmosphere is really like in Washington, DC, and Philadelphia lately? It was an interesting trip I took to those two historically American cities recently. I have a few personal observations for those who might be curious. The usual hustle and bustle of visitors during spring break in Washington was noticeably absent. This […]
Your Words Have Power
Have words gotten you into trouble lately? It happens. As a family member, neighbor, and as a citizen, my “applecart” has been turned over a few times recently. Let’s take a brief look at the power of words. Words are born in our thoughts. Raw, even wrong words usually stem from thoughts that have been […]
Bill of Rights Day
What is the right that you treasure the most in our Bill of Rights? I can’t pick just one. I treasure them all! I mean, look at this shortlist. What’s not to like? I want to live in a country that guarantees my rights by law. These rights are in our DNA: Freedom of religion, […]
Straight Talk about Civil Unrest
What would you do? Not sure what I’d do if I had to live through “Protest Hell” as the direct object of gangs of verbally abusive, under 30-somethings. The scenes I’m seeing aren’t staged. They are first-person accounts. These incorrectly labeled “Peaceful Protestors” get up in your face as you walk in a suit and […]
From the Mailbox…
Let’s make the complex simple. One CSCC participant would like to know my thoughts about the term “living constitution.” First, have you ever heard of “the living constitution?” This is a philosophy based on a “revolving door” definition of truth. When our Founders wrote the US Constitution, “truth” was defined as absolute and unchanging. For […]