Upset by President Trump’s potty mouth? He’s not acting presidential, right? I made a vocab list of some of the cuss words I’ve known presidents to use.. you know, the usual suspects.. words that society deems unfit but are used like salt and pepper.
Go to any public high school today. Trust me, “s*hithole” is minor in comparison to what they call each other, authority figures, and their school in general. Common Sense Civics and Citizenship requires us to be mature Americans, whether president or parent, celebrity or coach, boss or employee. No matter our station in life, people are watching us. I cleaned up my act substantially the first time I realized my kids were watching everything I said and did. Pretty hard for us to incriminate others when we are a nation of cussers. Instead of being like President “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry” Truman, why not #cleanitup.