The lack of civility in political discourse is all over the media today. Here is the Common Sense Civics and Citizenship’s guide to eating and shopping near people with whom you disagree politically:
1) Choose another establishment. The Common Sense Civics and Citizenship approach is to have a network of places where you spend your time and your money to suit your needs.
2) Rent a place of business that will host your event with your own approved guest list. The common sense citizen recognizes options but also recognizes the rights of others in a free society.
3) Choose to write an email to the person with whom you disagree and refrain from sending that email for a minimum of 24 hours. The Common Sense Civics and Citizenship approach citizen applies the virtue of self-restraint.
4) Choose not to vote for that person or people with that particular political persuasion. The Common Sense Civics and Citizenship approach recognizes that in a free society you win some and lose some.
5) Organize a peaceful protest. The Common Sense Civics and Citizenship approach recognizes an American citizen’s right to peaceable assembly. A common sense leader sets a time, limits the length, and gets all the necessary applications filled out and approved. Spontaneous protests rarely are peaceful. At a peaceful protest, common sense citizens not only clean up their language, they clean up after themselves at events.
6) Become well-acquainted with the Preamble and Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. The Common Sense Civics and Citizenship approach is this: know your rights, know the other person’s rights, and treat ALL people with the dignity and respect you would like receive.
7) Common Sense Civics and Citizenship understands clearly that the only person you can control is yourself.
That’s Common Sense Civics and Citizenship at work. ??
Do you have any other common sense suggestions to add to the list for when Americans eat or shop near people with whom they disagree politically? Feel free to comment below but remember: Common Sense Civics and Citizenship is commits to treating others with dignity and respect when voicing an opinion. ??