Have you read an overview of the Green New Deal yet? You don’t know what you are missing! “Oh,” you say, “I listened to such and such a commentator, or I read about it on Twitter, in my newsfeed, etc.” Here at Common Sense Civics and Citizenship, when we have the opportunity to read a proposal that may affect our entire lives and the life of our nation, we read the actual document. It’s short. Read it for yourselves. Go straight to the FAQ’s if you are short of time, here’s a link: https://n.pr/2WKvVai
Keep in mind our millennial children and grandchildren have not been taught in public schools the founding documents like previous generations. Young people, I have talked to believe that we can control the universe by our obedient behavior to the Government. They will gladly pull up proof of what they say is “settled science.” They believe we can avoid climate change if we just play by government rules. Fellow Americans, if we can’t even control ourselves without the help of our Creator, how will we, by government force, control the universe? Please know that I recycle according to the requested standards of my city. My European guest was quite vocal about how I damage the planet because I don’t follow European standards. (He doesn’t understand that our recycling plants are highly sophisticated and efficient in how they clean and reuse metal, plastic, and paper. In a nice way, I told him that we’re Americans. It’s a big country. We “got this.”)
Here at Common Sense Civics and Citizenship, we look at things from an American founding documents perspective, so let’s do that right now. First, our Declaration of Independence says our rights come from our Creator (God), and those rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The proponents of the Green New Deal (GND) do not support life at every stage of life for every American. With that position adopted in New York and on the table in several other states, the right to life only exists for some people, not all. Could our liberties be next? The goal of the GND is to transform our society massively (read it in the opening statement of the GND proposal), not just for you and I to recycle and drive electric cars. Now, ask any ex-pat Russian, Ukranian, Vietnamese, Slovenian, former East German, or Cuban what it is like to live under Communism or any of its derivatives. Either we are “One Nation Under God,” or we are “One Nation Under Government.” There’s no in between. It’s one or the other. The GND seeks to control every aspect of American life. Think about it… transportation, housing, food, nature, jobs (where you work, whom you work for, what you do for a job). Everything must answer to the State. Capitalism is the enemy, and only the people at the top of the GND socialist structure know what is best. Their job is to lead. Yours is to follow.
And about our pursuit of happiness. The pursuit of happiness is not a guarantee of your joy. Instead, it is the opportunity to pursue your chosen occupation and way of life, among other things. If air travel is eliminated (you read that correctly) within 10 years, my pursuit of happiness-seeing the world or seeing my family -is taken from me. What about pilots? They love to fly. Forget it. Have you ever tried to cross the ocean in an electric train? 🙂
I think you get the idea. Please think in terms of the freedoms you are guaranteed in our founding documents rather than in lofty philosophies. Socialism in any form has always failed. There is no precedent of success, except the pipe dream that is promised to the young who have been raised to fear what they cannot control.
New Green Deal or a raw deal? You decide. ??