A Divided USA Opens Door For New Axis of Evil
A new axis of evil is lining up. With a country as divided as ours, Americans are siding up. Caution: We ought to take heed. Abraham Lincoln’s 1858 “House Divided” speech tells us why: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
A New Axis of Evil Heating Up
At this time, news reports tell us we side up on many issues, especially on the war between Israel and Hamas. In fact, the world is divided. I see world powers (i.e., Russia, China, Iran, North Korea) lining up and taking sides. Possibly, we could be in three wars at once- Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. What does this tell you? World tensions are heating up and threatening our way of life .
Taking that to be the case, do we turn our heads like they did in WWII for a long time and pretend that we will escape? Are we willing and capable of fighting a three-front war? Do we have the money, military, and collective will for a three-way fight? If we don’t wrestle with potential outcomes and agree on a course of action, our nation may be permanently divided (among the new axis of evil powers?)
Indeed, on the home front, our college students seem to think that First Amendment rights include threatening fellow students with death. Jewish Americans are being told to hide their identity. At what point in our education system has the USA failed to teach both constitutional and historical truths? Indeed, if schools educated students with facts, this would not be the case.
Promote “House Divided” Thinking Or Individual Freedom
Another key point, students have been taught that life boils down to oppressors and oppressed or victimizers and victims. What a horrible way to live! Our forefathers did not leave us a country where one side is destined to oppress the other. This promotes “House Divided” thinking. Rather, we are a free-born people with ideals and values that promote individual freedom, not collective misery.
Are we ready to unite to defend our country and our way of life?
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.
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