Agenda 21
Welcome back to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship! Two very important topics this week aren’t being discussed in the news unless you hunt for them. Have you ever heard about Agenda 21? We will look at the goals of this UN initiative. The similarity to today’s news is shocking.
Did you know that Immigration is not mentioned in the US Constitution? In our second article, “Immigration Matters,” I chronicle the slow progression from immigration being a state responsibility to coming under federal jurisdiction. What is going on now at the border can be seen more clearly when you discover what has led us to this point today.
Let’s begin.
My “wheelhouse” is our founding American documents, not UN initiatives. I first heard of Agenda 21 in a Constitution class but decided to focus my attention on American civics and citizenship. However, after I heard that the C D C extended the rental eviction moratorium once again, it raised questions in my mind.
According to my knowledge of American civics, agencies cannot make law. Congress does. I began a search that led me back to Agenda 21. Here’s what I found:
Agenda 21 has a number of definitions. If you do a little digging (on private browsing mode or a browser like Duck Duck Go, Ecosia, or Epic), you can learn a lot in a short period of time. Here are just a few definitions:
-a plan to defeat climate change
-a plan to transition into a one-world government
-a plan to decrease a percentage of world population by 2030
-a plan for sustainable development
For sure, all who are responsible for Agenda 21 agree that it is a plan. Here are a few goals of the plan with my questions following in parentheses.
-end all poverty (what about Matthew 26:11? Are today’s governments on a par with Jesus?)
-end hunger (didn’t the Soviet Union leaders try centralized farming which drives up prices and lowers the food supply, leading to starvation? And then there’s Venezuela…)
-ensure healthy lives and well-being (translation: government controls every aspect of your life-where you live, how you live, and an end to private property ownership; live in government housing; what could possibly go wrong here?!?)
-gender equality (Does this mean the elimination of girls sports?)
-government control of sanitation and water (Ever talk to a native Californian about government controlled water supply?)
-decent work for ALL (Who decides what is decent work? What if you want to raise your children at home? Will you have that choice?)
And there’s more, but in each goal I see government growing with a few controlling “leaders” directing government from the top. This is what concerns me about the rental eviction moratorium. In the United States, we are a ground up organization run by We the People. Seems like we may be on a slow drift away from a Constitutional Republic. Where does that lead us?
What to do? First step is to be informed. An hour of study will be fruitful. President Calvin Coolidge gave a rousing speech on June 17, 1918, commemorating Bunker Hill Day. He referred to those soldiers as “lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray.” As we consider the state of our world, may we be like them.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸