It’s a life principle that all debts are paid. This is a citizenship issue. Let’s discuss it!
What Do I Mean By “All Debts Are Paid?”
When the Executive Branch tells us in a tragedy that the “federal government will cover this,” who is the “federal government?” Right. It’s you and me. No ambiguous war chest of funds magically appears to cover tragedies. We the People pay the bill. All debts are paid.
When shipping containers are stuck out in the ocean, redirected because of criminal mischief, war, pandemics, etc., who pays? Ultimately, the price of those goods and the extra transportation costs to get them to us will go up. Insurance may pay for some of the costs, but in the end, you and I pay the remainder if those products need to be replaced or take longer by sea to get to us (fuel, food, maintenance costs). All debts are paid.
Someone Pays for the Cost of Caring for “Newcomers” (Migrants)
Some localities are offering Americans a stipend to house migrants (the proposed language change is “newcomer”) since the demand for housing exceeds the number of humans coming into the USA. Where does that stipend money come from? You won’t see it today, but eventually, housing prices, taxes, building fees, water, sanitation, and utilities all go up. All debts are paid by someone. Generally, it’s you and me who pay.
Free College Isn’t Free
Giveaway programs like “student loan forgiveness” must be paid by someone. All debts are paid. They are not wiped away. Someone must repay the loans through tuition increases for other students, working Americans, or state or federal taxes. No one donates their fortunes to pay en masse for strangers’ educational debts. All debts are paid. They are financed, usually through you and me.
The Reality
We have been hijacked into thinking that because we don’t see a tax increase right away in our paychecks or at the store, gas pump, or electrical bill, some magical person has paid these debts. Such a person does not exist. When people default on loans, We, the People, pay in one way or another. Why? Because this principle is as true today as it has always been: All debts are paid. It’s something to think about.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸