You’ve heard it alleged that the USA is engaged in a battle between good and evil, which is known as a spiritual battle. In other words, our country is not about right vs. left, conservative vs. liberal, or this vs. that. It’s all about good vs. evil. This is a civics and citizenship issue, so let’s discuss it.
The Civics Issue- Virtues and Vices in a Spiritual Battle
We fight spiritual battles, like all wars, on different fronts and for different reasons. Our country’s Founders clearly the sinful nature of human beings. We go after power, money, and control unless there are restraints. We aren’t good on our own. People gravitate toward their lower natures. That’s why the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God appear right away in the Declaration of Independence. Our Founders declared that the The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitled us to take our stand among the powers of the world at that time. But, we declared our reasons for independence honorably, according to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, with courage, honor, humility, integrity, respect, and responsibility. (Read the document, not hearsay from the politician, press, or the professor):
Citizens Are Affected in a Spiritual Battle
According to Dr. David Jeremiah, there are eight signs of a spiritual battle:
Do you notice any of these signs in our country today? I notice how our country is going from fatigue, stress and fear, to temptation despair, lies, and revenge. Our peace has given way to daily chaos in areas, for example, faith, family, freedom, arts, entertainment, education, business, and government.
The Remedy
The first step is to admit this is happening. We are no longer able to live in peace with one another. We begin to observe the tug-o-war between good and evil. In other words, we agree that there is good and evil and we, as a culture, call them for what they are.
Next, we immediately stop participating in the cultural drift that is espoused in the daily media. Look for sources and places of information that encourage us to live moral lives. If we don’t, we won’t remain free. No free society ever existed that couldn’t acknowledge good and evil for what they are. If you aren’t sure, look up the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God as our Founders understood them. There you will find the foundation upon which our nation is built. Encourage others to follow a moral path, especially your children and grandchildren. Be their example.
Finally, vote. Show up. Our hope is not in imperfect people. However, imperfect people are on the ballot. That is all we have. There’s only One perfect person that ever walked the face of the earth and the candidates on the ballot are not Him. Make a plan to vote. Our nation simply cannot remain in a spiritual tug-o-war because if we do, ALL of us will lose. Lose what? our children, our country, and our heritage.
Evil is knocking at the door, ready to step in and take your mind, soul, and life away. Don’t let that happen. We the People can and should get a grip on the reality of good vs. evil and contemplate our next move.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship 🇺🇸
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