Checks and balances prevent the abuse of power. We’re experiencing, live and in real-time, the checks and balances system of our government under scrutiny.
Our Founders foresaw the need to “build in” a process that would take the country through peaceful transitions when the Constitution has been blatantly violated by “the President, Vice-President and all civil officers of the United States.” (see Article II, sec. 4) Author W. Cleon Skousen (1) refers to this as “self-repair.” (I like his simple definition). Checks and balances distinguish our country from other nations who tried to implement our Constitution for themselves, but failed because of a lack of checks and balances on power. They end up in anything but a peaceful transition of power. Many times, there is bloodshed.
So, while what is going on in the news today is troublesome to many Americans, it is still the process designed by our Founders to be a check on power.
Examples of Checks and Balances
Here are some examples of checks and balances on power:
The House serves as a check on the Senate since no statute can become law without the approval of the House and vice versa.
A President can restrain both Houses of Congress by using his veto to send back any bill that doesn’t meet his/her approval.
Congress has a check on the President by being able to pass a bill over the President’s veto.
The President must have Senate approval when filling important offices in the executive branch.
The judiciary has a check on the legislative branch through its authority to review all laws and determine their constitutionality.
Separation of power between three distinct branches of government- legislative, executive, and judicial; no person can serve in more than one branch at a time.
The President can grant reprieves and pardons. (see Article II, sec. 2)
Treaties are made by the President, but two-thirds of the Senate present at the time must agree to the treaty.
The President has the power to wage war, but only the Congress can declare war. (confusing, I know…)
We the People have a check on our Congressmen every two years, on the President every four years, and on the Senate every six years through our voting.
Checks and Balances Protect Us
So, if you have become discouraged by current news, know that our Founders gave us this process for our protection. People are prone to abuse power. It’s human nature. Our Founders gave us a country with a process and a peaceful means to handle abuses of power, crises, etc. Thankfully, in the end, no matter what side you are on, the truth will come to light. It always does.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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(1) “The 5000 Year Leap.” (Skousen, W. Cleon. The Five Thousand Year Leap: 28 Ideas That Changed the World. National Center for Constitutional Studies, 1981).