What would be on your Christmas list for America? I’m talking about what you want to see for yourself and the next generation. A coveted Christmas gift for your child might be a new pencil or a pair of socks in days gone by. Those were days of finding joy in simple pleasures. We complicate life so much more now. Why not take a moment to think of two or three simple wishes you would put on America’s Christmas list?
Knowledge of American History As Told By the People Who Lived It
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” said George Santayana in “The Life of Reason: Reason in Common Sense.” It’s common sense to have some knowledge of the life and times of generations past.
Moreover, I do not wish for a political spin on our history. I want America to know the trials, victories, and sins of past generations that made us “tick” as a nation. My favorite 19-year-old says, “We didn’t do everything right, but who knows what WE would have done in their shoes.” What motivated our predecessors? What did they like? What did they hate? “Walking a mile in their shoes” is a great learning experience.
I want us to return to an association with our past and continue to build on that history. Hopefully, the result will make We the People all we can be, not merely appeal to our lower natures and drift. Otherwise, bolder nations can capitalize on our ignorance and weaknesses and take advantage of us.
Knowledge of Virtue
Jason Zhang wrote, “Patriotism is a noble virtue. To have a deep sense of love, respect, commitment, and loyalty towards your own country is the main quality of a true patriot. A patriot puts his country in front of himself and fights for his land with his all.” (Zhang, J. (2021) 68 Best America quotes that’ll make you proud to be American, Emoovio).
With this in mind, I don’t see how we can be a free country without virtue. If every person does what they feel like doing, caring only about the two feet they stand on, we will become a disordered, selfish society that falls. We must teach our children virtues at home, in school, and at places of worship. Love, respect, commitment, and loyalty are good starting points. I’ll bet you can think of a few additional virtues (like honesty and personal responsibility).
Knowledge of the Founding American Documents
My Grown Up Christmas list for America would not be complete without the knowledge of the founding American documents, i.e., The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
What’s more, I’m blown away by the number of leaders in this country who know so little about the documents that undergird our Constitutional Republic. I’m also astounded by the fact that we follow leaders in central aspects of American life who don’t know these rich documents of liberty.
It’s easy to take freedom away if we don’t know the basic tenets of the laws upon which we were founded. The Constitution remains the Supreme Law of the Land today. I’ve devoted my later years to teaching these documents, basic civics, and citizenship lessons. I write weekly articles to remind us of America’s founding documents and our heritage as a free-born people. Thanks for being here!
What are two or three things on your Christmas List for America?
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