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Do you think America is headed for Civil War 2.0? I get comments from readers that don’t simply question the possibility. They assume it. Or fear it. Or both. So, I’ve been thinking this through and doing some research. Looks like the idea of another Civil War is being promoted as an unquestionable event to happen soon. I’m not buying it. Emotion is not an effective strategy to accomplish goals. Thinking things through to logical outcomes is a better way toward a satisfactory result.
Here are some declarations that feed on emotion:
“The USA is coming to its end because all nations come to an end.”
“We have no unity,” they say. They call us the “Divided States of America.”
Naysayers claim that there are two distinct sides in America, and both ha.te the other.
They use partial quotes from past American history to justify their position. (A text without context is pretext. In other words, a partial quote that ignores context is suspect).
I offer this rebuttal to those ready to “throw in the towel” on our nation.
While all nations come to an end, so do all people. But—we are here now. So is our nation. We have a legacy to pass on and a country to save. We need more positive passion, and action than the other side(s) have in promoting negativity and failure. You never got a good grade in school or promotion at work by being pessimistic about your prospects for success. You kept your eye on the goal and did your best. The same applies here.
We are NOT the divided states in practice. This is only in theory. There is a difference between actuality and potentiality. One deals with reality, while the other is a possibility (not necessarily a probability). We are the United States of America in reality. Our Founders warned us of the chance of failure. Recall this exchange between Benjamin Franklin and a concerned woman:
“What kind of government have you given us, Sir?”
“A republic, if you can keep it.”
We are still in the business of keeping our Republic. Can you honestly say that you would be willing to take the life of an everyday Kansan, Texan, Carolinian, or Marylander because you disagree with that person? It wasn’t pretty the first time around in 1861. It would be far more ugly if we ever pursued this course again. I understand Americans who would defend our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We know the usual suspects for foreign enemies. The question to ask is, “Who is our domestic enemy?” As a country, we must sort that question out through conversation and even at the ballot box, if necessary.
Keep in mind, should America ever decide to divide itself against each other through armed conflict, major world powers are ready to pounce on our weakness. They would love the opportunity to come in and rule us. We ought not to tempt their lust for power.
It would be far better if we pass on our legacy of freedom and take a positive stance to save the country through every lawful and peaceful means at our disposal.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸