Let’s take a brief look at recent conversations overheard here and there. Knowing how to navigate conversations is a citizenship issue. Think of the following as “things that make you go hmmmmm.”
The Border Issue:
Person #1: “If you don’t believe in open borders, you are a race-ist.”
Person #2: “How do you define racism?”
Person #1: “It’s people like you.” (Notice the avoidance technique with no definitive answer to the question).
Person #2: “It’s placing skin color over content of character.”
Today’s Big Issue:
Person #1: “The un-vachs-seen-ate-ed need to be controlled and restricted.”
Person #2: “Criminals are controlled and restricted. What criminal act did those people commit?
Person #1: (mentions no unconstitutional criminal acts but does mention personal fears).
Person #1: “The people who steal in broad daylight are not criminals. They have needs.”
Person #2: “Evil has become a protected class.”
Person #1: “It’s mis-information!”
Person #2: “Everything lately is called misinformation. In real life, there are only facts or false information.”
Person #1 “What is human infrastructure?”
Person #2 “Social programs.”
Person #1 “Then, what is infrastructure?”
Person #2 “Roads, bridges, things like that.”
It’s essential that we consider what we hear, our sources of information, and the truth.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸