You could lose your identity as:
an employee
an owner
an individual
a countryside dweller
an outspoken critic
an inventor
a sports enthusiast
an American
Wait. Could we lose our identity as Americans? Not “American in Name Only.” I mean the traditions and values that make us uniquely American. I believe we could lose our identity as Americans. How?
-by changing the definition of what it means to be an American
-by giving away power that belongs to We the People.
-by giving away the constitutional rights that we are born with- life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (which includes our property).
-by giving up on America
-by failing to learn our constitutional rights and stand up for them in the face of recrimination
We don’t think it could happen, but it is happening right in front of us. We are “shell-shocked” at the speed that liberty can be taken away. So hard to win, so easy to lose.
Once we allow our freedoms to be taken away, they are very hard to get back. Power and money are funny things. They do strange things to people when misused. Likewise, ease and comfort, letting up and letting someone else take care of business for us… Listen. No one will guard your freedom better than you.
If your adult children won’t let you see the grandkids because of your voting record, are you willing to stand your ground for your right to vote, even if it means not seeing the little ones for now? Time and time again, the courage to stand your ground wins in the end. Life has a way of making us mature.
If your state keeps issuing new zoning restrictions, are you willing to move?
If you cannot protest legally, are you willing to protest legally anyway and pay for your defense in court?
If they take your business away, are you willing to start another business?
I know three things for sure. Life is hard. God is good. And America is worth whatever it takes to save her from inner destruction.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸