We need not fear the election process because we have two things: our United States Constitution and our vote. Treasure them and use them wisely. https://civicsandcitizenship.org/the-constitution-the-supreme-law-of-the-land/
What Is Your Part in the Election Process?
Two years ago, one of our participants at Common Sense Civics and Citizenship commented about her experience as an election judge. I never forgot her post. Instead of shaking my head and moving on, I decided to do what I could do. I took the training in my state and became a poll watcher for my polling place. This year, I can’t just teach and write about these things. I have to do what I can do. Thanks to participants like you who read, act, and occasionally comment with civility, I am inspired to do my part in being an American.
Two Questions
What is your part in our Constitutional Republic? Which method of voting do you prefer at your stage in life? I favor same-day voting and absentee balloting because I believe they present the best chance for a successful voting experience for all.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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