Welcome! Thank you for returning to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. More and more Americans are beginning to speak up on the issues, rather than being blind-sided into silence. It is my hope that our subscribers gain insights that help you as you sort through the issues. In our first article, we look at two defining qualities that set free countries apart from all others. Then, in our second article, we examine the issue of the United States being unintentionally involved with childhood trafficking at the border. As always, you are welcomed to join the discussion on Facebook at Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. Feel free to pass this newsletter on to others who may be interested. Thanks for subscribing!
Let’s dive in to our first article:
God and Property. No big deal, right? Wrong. Free countries are distinguished by those two traits. God and Property. You are free to worship God- or not- in a free country. You get to keep your stuff in a free country. It is not the government’s property. It is yours. Keeping what you earn is a huge deal. So, why are Americans not opposing “free” government money, less ownership, and less expression of faith?
If the government gives you anything-money, a phone, a place to live- the government can take it away. If you buy it with your hard-earned money, it’s yours. It’s your style, your choice, your decision.
If you are not free to worship, then government takes the place of God. If government doesn’t recognize your right to worship, they expect you to look to them- flawed human beings as we all are- to meet your needs. Can any form of government meet your individual needs and desires? We may deny the spiritual side of things, but we are created with that inner need for the spiritual in our lives.
Consider this: when people deny the existence of a Higher Power, they fill that need with something else to “worship.” What does it mean to “worship” something? It’s giving that entity first place in your life above all else. It’s pledging your life, money, time, and talent to preserve your view of the object of your supreme affection. What about my spouse? If your spouse is the source of your worship, then yes. If God is first in your life above all else, then yes. If your favorite sports team is first in your life before anything else, then yes, that team is filling a spiritual need deep within. If it’s your addiction, then yes. Just ask anyone who has been in one of the Anonymous programs.
In our country today, what I see happening is the Providential God being replaced by worship of- you guessed it- politics. Politics is filling a giant hole in people’s lives. I see people willing to cancel other people to preserve a way of life they hope to gain. The way to accomplish their goal is by tearing apart the principles of liberty our Founders gave to us. For one, America’s freedom of religion has been replaced with an obligatory nod to the god of Politics and the woke culture that accompanies it. Politics is now in the place of the Supernatural. That’s not all. This new god is one that Americans are being made to worship under the threat of being canceled. Either you obey the tenets of this new movement, or you will pay. No job, no travel, no school, no property, no choice, no liberty.
Liberty is the way of God. Free will is the way of God. It is not the way of political movements that seek to do away with God. Just ask anyone who has lived under socialism, marxism, fascism, communism, etc.
In this season of new life and new beginnings- Spring, Passover, and Easter- let’s remember that liberty is not found in political movements that force you to do anything. The freedom that our Founders gave us is irreplaceable by any modern movement. Just observe the lives of those who seek to take your liberty away from you and make you join their group. Are they living in freedom or bondage?
Consider this bit of ancient wisdom, handed down through the generations:
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸