Note: This article was written before the horrific tragedy in Uvalde. For those who wish to join me, our thoughts and prayers are with the entire community of Uvalde as they mourn their unspeakable loss.
You receive a package at your door. It says in bold letters, “Handle with Care.” You wonder if the shippers did. You wonder if you will. With great anticipation, you carefully open the package. Mentally, you prepare to handle whatever is inside with tender loving care.
Do you wish America gave the same attention to its children? Watch this downward progression according to today’s cultural drift:
-A baby (an American citizen, btw) can live if the mother decides he/she can.
-If the baby (an American citizen) lives, it cannot, in many cases, get the milk it needs unless foreign countries supply it.
-If the baby grows into childhood, he/she can no longer be assured of its identity as male or female, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
-If the child learns to read, they can be robbed of innocence by exposure in school to adult concepts through books and discussions; concepts which history has always regarded as non-academic and x_rated.
-When the child becomes a teen, the opportunities for physical, academic, and emotional excellence are dampened, even snuffed out by American trends in sports, achievement, and family life.
– If the teen goes to college, they are ill-prepared for work. University cost-savings have fewer full-time professors with a mastery of subjects teaching students and more part-time personnel. The list of subjects that teach traditional education and an entire body of knowledge has decreased.
I see that We the People do NOT “Handle with Care” the most precious commodity we have been given- our posterity. We are not bestowing the blessings of liberty to them nor teaching them in the way they should go. Nor are we appropriately equipping them for adulthood.
Some of you may be thinking, where is the Constitution in all of this? The Constitution limits and defines what the government can and cannot do. It is not a document that tells citizens what they can and cannot do. There are moral laws for that. The Constitution calls these moral statutes “the laws of nature and nature’s God.” The moral laws written on our hearts and learned at a young age (at home, in church, and community) are not restricted to the private domain. These moral laws are to be lived out publicly in American life. Our success as a free nation depends on it.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸