Have we taken our freedoms for granted? Have we, as a nation, become dependent on others to keep the fires of liberty burning?
According to the Declaration of Independence, our government gets its power from you and me by our consent. We agree to place people in our national government that will represent our concerns and defend our rights. In America, our vote, our voice, and our Constitution are represented by the people we choose for the job.
Our forefathers did not want us to be ruled by the divine right of kings. Inheritance doesn’t determine who governs us. They rejected other government systems because We, the People, would not have a significant role in the governing process. Our Founders gave us the right to determine who governs us in our Constitutional Representative Republic. This was a radical idea. They called it an “experiment.”
What comes along with the responsibility to govern ourselves? We are responsible for becoming involved. Our freedoms are on paper. We need to exercise and defend freedom for ourselves and our children so we can keep our liberty alive and active.
Now is not the time to be complacent. It’s an excellent time to renew your commitment to our country. Refresh your knowledge of our founding American documents. Read materials that give both sides of the issues, even if this is hard for you to do. (Reading gives you time to go back and think about what is being said, rather than passively consuming news by just watching and listening).
“Governments are instituted among men (people), deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.??