Another one of those times we call “The Week that Was.” We have a new country inside of our country. No wars fought, just a takeover. I’m wondering how that is even legal, let alone legit. Maybe you’re wondering, too, if this will go on until late fall, like the 1967 Summer of Love. Will the new nation of CHAZ be financed and fed by the United States of America? Good question. Chaz could go on or it could end today. Nation building isn’t easy.
Meanwhile, Chazians are finding out that a nation needs a few basics, like food, shelter, law enforcement, and—wait for it—borders. They require identification to get in to their country. Will they need an army? Most nations do. We shall see in the coming days ahead.
Note: CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) has changed its name to CHOP. (Capitol Hill Organized Protest).
Since today is June 14, I’m proudly displaying a huge American flag . It couldn’t come at a better time.
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For Liberty,
Candace Donnelly