Is this the end of our Constitutional Republic as we know it? Is America finished? You might think so. Take a moment to review mainstream media reports. The media narrative may cause us to believe we are doomed.
Our Constitutional Republic: A Historical Perspective
Historically, the USA has been a beacon of light in a dark world, even becoming the global leader of nations. Our Constitution limits and defines government power and places We the People at the helm of our country. We are the envy of the world because of our status as “citizens,” not “subjects.”
Our Founding Principles, such as natural, inalienable rights, limited government, consent of the governed, the rule of law, separation of powers, checks and balances, and our Bill of Rights, set us apart from every other nation in the world.
Challenges and Milestones of our Constitutional Republic
Recall a few of our critical historical milestones:
The Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution
War of 1812
The Emancipation Proclamation
World Wars
The Cold War
Soviet arms race and space race challenges
The USA is the first to put a man on the moon
The Civil Rights Movement
The 20th Century rise to global leadership
September 11, 2001 attack/challenge
Pandemic recovery
And how about these times when Americans feared that our nation was doomed:
The Great Depression
Pearl Harbor
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Kennedy Assassination
Vietnam War protests/Vietnam withdrawal
Race Riots
The Robert F. Kennedy and the Martin Luther King Assassinations
Nixon Resignation
Reagan and Pope are shot
2008-2009 recession; unemployment tops 10%
Covid-19 pandemic
National Unrest and Constitutional Challenges 2016-2024
I’m sure you can add to these lists. Remember that none of these milestones or challenges prohibited America’s gradual economic growth. Even in tough times, many could still invest in America. America survived even when we thought our leadership was ultra-weak when interest rates were 18%, gas shortages, and lines ruled the day, racial divisions caused deep tensions, and world powers threatened us.
Today’s challenges
Today, among our challenges are lawlessness, divisions sewn by foreign adversaries through propaganda on social media, educators failing to teach American history and civics from primary sources, and reduced military and armaments. Perception is reality on the world stage. Foreign powers perceive us as weak. A lot of people want us destroyed, even some in our own government. Allies depend on us to help them in distress, but we fail to meet our recruitment quotas. We have foreigners who are referred to as “newcomers” or “visitors” when we know the truth about millions who have an open invitation into our country. We just don’t know who they are. Our justice system at the state level in certain jurisdictions is causing national division.
Our Constitutional Republic’s Potential for Renewal or Decline
We the People have allowed a different philosophy of government to operate in our country alongside our Constitution. This will end one of two ways. Either we will come to grips with what a “transformed” (Marxist) country will look like for us, or we will renew our desire to lead the world in innovation and a return to our Constitutional fundamentals.
Either we will allow people to tell us how free we can be, or we will champion our unalienable rights and practice them. Either we elect those who desire to rule us, or we can return to self-governing principles that require us to take responsibility for how we live and vote. We can shape the future of America or believe the words of others who “promise” to shape America’s future for us.
It’s up to We the People. The following six months will test us, but if we have the grit and determination of our forefathers, we will succeed.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸