If it wishes to remain free, what country allows its citizens to burn, loot, and commit absolute mayhem if the jury’s verdict in a case doesn’t agree with their demands? That’s not a peaceful protest. It’s criminal. It’s not presenting grievances to the government. Instead, it’s a show of force from the streets that in no way typifies a free nation. You might say it is an immoral alternate reality, a “reality” that only exists in the minds of the misled.
Lawlessness is not synonymous with freedom. Unchecked lawlessness begets more lawlessness. Lawlessness and liberty cannot co-exist except in the minds of those who dwell in an alternative reality, not in truth. It defies the laws of nature and nature’s God. Nothing is gained. It’s all loss. And it doesn’t change the verdict of your peers who gave their time and energy to do their civic duty. Lawbreakers, liars, and connivers don’t make for justice, nor do they make reasonable jurors. Truth is everything in a justice system. Countries that don’t make justice the client in trials don’t have fair trials. When justice is the client, the absolute truth is what matters, not how you, your friends, the media, or professors feel.
A jury of peers that listens to the evidence deliberates and arrives at a verdict is given the responsibility to decide the defendant’s fate. The likelihood of anyone else outside of the court proceedings being privy to 100% of the case is next to nil. Therefore, “street justice” handed down from the court of public opinion is not based on reality. It’s based on emotional groupthink. That’s no way to run a country.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition, defines “Justice” as follows:
“The quality of being just; fairness.
The principle of moral rightness; decency.
Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude; righteousness.”
However, “justice” is described in greater detail by Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, the closest to the language of our Founders.
“The virtue which consists in giving to everyone what is his due; practical conformity to the laws and to principles of rectitude in the dealings of men (and women) with each other; honesty; integrity in commerce….”
Street justice does not give everyone their due. It rains mayhem on a city, state, and nation. Street justice is lawless, not moral or decent. It is dishonest because it lacks all of the facts and dwells in emotion. It is not virtuous. And, a nation without a value on virtuous and moral behavior has no justice.
“Freedom and Justice are twin sisters.”- Friedrich Ebert.
“There is no freedom without justice.”- Simon Wiesenthal.
You won’t find justice or freedom in any country where there is no moral foundation.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸