How about that Bill of Rights coffee cup that is the picture accompanying this post! It was given to me at a Founding Documents seminar which I led in October (all the necessary precautions taken 🙂 I love this cup. It fits right in there with a section of the Declaration of Independence attached to my refrigerator door. I read it often.
You might be thinking, “Man, she is really out there!” Or, you may think, “It figures… someone who loves civics enough to sponsor (i.e., pay for) an education page on FB and run a website would be red, white, and blue all over.” Guilty as charged.
To keep liberty, I believe you have to love, learn, and live liberty. In my last post, I asked what your most cherished right is in the Bill of Rights. We don’t think often enough about this stuff. We tend to fret about all that is going on around us at the expense of forgetting what we have. The best way to lose liberty is not to think about it. If you treat your most prized possession that way, pretty soon, it would be out of sight, out of mind. You might even forget where you put it.
On the other hand, if you have a treasured possession, maybe you wear it or display it prominently. This particular item might be a part of your conversations on a fairly regular basis. When we truly appreciate something, we don’t relegate it to the bottom of the closet. We may learn more about its history or genre or how and where it was made.
How much more we should love, learn and live liberty! It’s our heritage! We ought not to let it get buried under the cares of the moment but strive daily to shine a light on it. How can you place more focus on your liberty as an American in the coming year?
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. ??