Wrong is wrong. Even if someone declares it right, it is still wrong.
Bad is bad, even if it is better than ______________.
Do you agree? I mean, how do you know if you’re right and the other person is wrong? Our Founders always returned to “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” That was their standard. It is a fixed standard based on the notion that absolute truth exists and is not subject to one person’s feelings.
Recently I had an adult class who came to learn about our founding American documents. I wish you could have seen their eyes light up when I explained the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. They were no longer confused about what the Founders meant by these words. Founding father Noah Webster defined the Laws of Nature as your God-given conscience and the Laws of Nature’s God as the Ten Commandments. Not one person argued those definitions.
It seems almost a relief when there is a dependable, fixed standard of law. Otherwise, everyone will interpret the law as they see fit. If that happens, everyone does as they see fit according to their feelings. Do you know what follows? Anarchy. And after that, you lose your country.
We need to get back to the basics of our founding. While our culture has strayed into a type of Marxist territory, we can return to our original fixed standard of law. Do not accept labels and laws that do not conform to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. This fixed standard limits government authority. It recognizes that our rights come from God, not government.
We may stray along the way, but it’s never too late to return to the fixed standard of law on which our Founders predicated their separation from Britain. Our ability to be a self-governing people depends upon it.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸