The world is a quagmire right now, so we perspective. Consider the following statements:
Heard, Seen, Or Said Recently
“How many people are putting themselves in harm’s way so you can be free?”
“If you want to know what a country really thinks, don’t believe what they say until you verify what they teach their children.”
“Read a country’s charter or constitution to know the truth about them. Match their actions to their words.”
“You cannot bargain with evil. There is no such thing as being able to pay evil off to achieve peace. Evil desires control, not your friendship.”
More To Think About
“Before you abandon long-standing principles, i.e., individual liberty, property ownership, individual responsibility, consider this: When such principles are in practice, who benefits? Likewise, when we abandon such principles, who loses?”
“Standards are good. Holding yourself to a higher standard is better.” What happens when there are low standards?
“Vote for yourself. To do this, you might own your own business, run for office, join a committee.”
“America is naive if they think everybody the world over thinks like they do.” “Get out and travel. You will see the difference.”
Definitions Give Perspective
“Peace through strength is different from slaughter.” What is the true meaning of ‘peace through strength?’
“Evil is not good. Conversely, good is not evil. Know the difference. What makes for moral good? What is evil? Is it whatever “they” say it is? If not, how do you define “good” and “evil?”
Give your brief perspective on one of these statements. Do NOT use names. No one person or political party is to blame, for we all have changed our thoughts, behaviors, and thinking patterns over time. Also, We the People bear the ultimate responsibility for our government.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸