We traded in our “everyday” for a “new normal” temporarily. We were ready, willing, and able in time of need. So . . .
It took a lot of endurance, persistence, courage, and faith to trust what we were being told by authorities, that is, to shut down our economy. Americans endured days on end in small spaces, persisting through the ups and downs of homeschooling, empty shelves, and kitchen tables as an office. We had courage to say “no” to quarantined grandparents who otherwise would have helped us out. We said “yes” to vigilant cleansing and teaching our families to do the same. Some of us went to work everyday, knowing we were needed but fearing the spread of this dreaded disease. We had faith to show up for our spouses, kids, pets, and those whom we serve at work.
We held Zoom birthday parties. Some of us dressed our daughters for the cancelled high school prom and took pictures. We encouraged seniors to finish high school alone, without friends. We found ways to encourage our children to fight the good fight against the virus as they participated in e-learning.
We have the look of “undone” after months of no professional hair grooming or dental work.
We were told to stay home, that we needed to preserve hospital beds, to not wear masks, then to wear masks. Many of us learned how to use telemedicine.
We ministered to the sick, to those in need, and we buried the dead.
We were prevented from going to the church of our choice.
We lost our jobs, our livelihoods, and in some cases, our dreams.
In my opinion, we applied endurance, persistence, courage, and faith as a nation.
Enter those who saw what we did and decided to capitalize on it to the detriment of our freedom. Our cooperation and obedience to the law should not be viewed as our resignation to a new form of government. We never surrendered our freedom to those we elected to power or to unelected officials.
Is our society turning to a communist-socialist agenda to handle the coronavirus? Have we been scared into submission? Should we be looking to government to “save” us from this virus? Or is it time for us to step forward in liberty as we see fit to pick up the pieces, and get our lives back. Will we ever return to what was considered normal before COVID-19 came to the United States?
It will take that same endurance, persistence, courage, and faith to once again live free. These qualities are not commodities that a government produces. In fact, when government takes your freedom away for an emergency, you and I bear the responsibility to get it back. We the People run the show.
According to our Declaration of Independence, the American government’s job is to protect our God-given rights (life, liberty, property) so we can live as free people. We find endurance, persistence courage, and faith to live in liberty not from a central government, but from within, looking up.
Who is ready, willing, and able?
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.??