Thank you for returning to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. I’m especially grateful for your participation this week. Perhaps Americans have found some points of agreement. We don’t like to leave our own behind. We support our military. We want to complete the mission with success. With this in mind, here are two articles pertaining to Afghanistan. The first one has been shared widely with great engagement and agreement. See what you think, as we begin with “Stand and Deliver.”
You’ve seen the pictures. You’ve heard enough. You’ve had it. When Americans are massacred, We the People stop, look, and listen up. Then we stand and deliver. At least that’s our history. We ask the tough questions of ourselves and those in charge. What went wrong and why? What happens next? What needs to change? Then, we’re ready. “Let’s do this.” Or, to quote Todd Beamer on 9/11/01, “Let’s roll.”
We the People have never been “beyond our resources.” We marshall our resources, whether they be physical, material, or Providential. Historically, Americans have been known to win on a wing and a prayer. We use what we have against all odds. So, what’s happening now? Are we being left out of the equation? What makes our role different now?
Let’s talk about it.
There is a picture circulating of a boxing match held during the 1918 Spanish influenza pan_ demic. Decision-makers were not following their own orders that everyone must be m.a.s.k.e.d. The photo “went viral,” so to speak. Americans said, in essence, “If it’s the law for me, then it’s for thee.” Americans refused to comply. You see, in that day and at that time, Americans didn’t look to the elected to run their lives. They didn’t believe that the rich and powerful knew more than they did. They respected the elected, but they didn’t trust their futures to them. Americans took responsibility for their lives, liberty, and property. And, they weren’t afraid to make some noise.
During the past 100 years, we elected people to run our lives in a slow incremental crawl. We began to judge candidates by their appearance, not their character. We prized their money and intellect while we went about the business of working one, two, or three jobs to make ends meet. We were too busy to pay attention. Now, the elected are The Selected and expected to give us cradle to grave care. They take the place of a spoiling parent who provides for us so we don’t have to think about it. We now have situations and crises because we didn’t stand against the grain for what we know to be true. The vocal minority turned up the heat in the kitchen and left us with the bill. Now we are paying dearly in life, limb, property, and deception.
Two generations were not taught our American heritage while parents worked one, two, even three jobs to make ends meet. Half the country wants the same view of government as that of failed nations. Young people and their tired parents place their faith in the respected selected, trusting them to figure it all out. It’s not going well for us. You and I are still responsible for guarding our liberty. That hasn’t changed—unless we abandon our Constitution. As of this writing, the Constitution still begins with We the People. Our liberty is our responsibility.
Each one of us can still stand and deliver. Change your ways. Change your mind. Send an email to your Congressmen. That’s what I’m doing. Write a letter of gratitude to a soldier. Vets are hurting. Listen to their stories. Last week, a Marine unit was running near my home. I stopped to cheer on those in the back of the pack. Sign a petition. Send a few bucks to organizations that are trying to help Americans leave the desperate situation overseas. Recall the elected. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Don’t expect the elected to take care of you. Stop placing your faith in the press. Do not accept everything you hear on the nightly news or read in internet feeds. My friend now needs an EKG because of the news sources she absorbs. She is full of fear. If you are a person of faith, regardless of how hopeless things seem, pray. Never give up.
Seek the truth. If something doesn’t make sense, start investigating it. Share your findings with whoever will listen. Ask questions. Make the elected accountable. Make a change. Make some noise. Stand and deliver.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.đŸ‡ºđŸ‡¸