Civics lessons are right in front of us, but the national headlining events between August 31 and September 11, 2021, have given those lessons third place, understandably so. But now, Americans are beginning to ask questions. We didn’t forget that speech to the nation last week on September 9. And, we haven’t forgotten our Americans left behind. Also, we are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with statements that appear to be unconstitutional. Maybe like me, some things aren’t sitting well with you.
Let’s take a look, starting with privileges and immunities granted to us in the U.S. Constitution.
Article IV states, “The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities in the several states.” What privileges and immunities?
You and I are to be treated equally within the United States, even if we don’t live in the state that we’re traveling to or through. If you reside, lets’ say, in Alabama, you are entitled to equal advantages when you travel through Texas if you are an American citizen. Notice this: Our travel is not to be restricted from one state to the other just because of (fill in the blank). We may have to pay a fee to hunt, fish, or park our recreational vehicles. We might pay out-of-state tuition until we establish residency, but Article IV gives us the right to travel, among other rights, like owning property. So, as I understand it, you should not have to “show your papers,” if you know what I mean.
Along these same lines, Article II does not give the Executive Branch the authority to order us to do anything. We don’t have kings or tyrants here. Our Founders were adamant about that. Instead, laws are made by us through our elected representatives that we have put in office. Making law is Article I responsibility of the Legislative Branch. Enforcing the laws made by Congress is the charge given to the Executive Branch. The Judicial Branch is to discover and apply the law, not create new laws. Should any of the Branches step out of bounds and try to do the job of another Branch, they are violating what is called the Separation of Powers, thereby acting unconstitutionally.
My concern is our growing constitutional illiteracy. We are living in fear because we lack knowledge. We the People have the power. They work for us! When we bestow the privilege to fellow citizens of serving us in government, that is not the same as giving elected officials “the keys to the kingdom.” We don’t have kingdoms. We have a Constitutional Republic. When we begin to be ordered around, all of us need to beware. Our liberty is quietly being taken away. Most assuredly, their purpose is no longer to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare.
Take to heart these things. Listen carefully to what leaders are saying and doing. Don’t let liberty be stealthily taken from you.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸