The colonists were no slackers. We read about their work ethic and strong will to govern themselves this week to prepare for our Independence Day celebration. They didn’t take separation from the mother country lightly. Our Founders even said, “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes… but when a long train of abuses and usurpations….” Right there, our Founders decided that it was not only their right but their duty to separate and to spell out the reasons why. They submitted “the facts to a candid world”- all 27 grievances- not only to King George III but for the whole world to see.
What was the colonies’ case? We have been taught that taxation without representation was the reason. That was not the only one. Other reasons included Britain’s infractions, like:
-cutting off colonial trade
– harassment and mistreatment by British authorities
-forbidding foreigners to emigrate to the colonies legally
-unjust, awful judicial practices
– military issues, like having British soldiers patrol the colonies with no regard for colonial law enforcement
-refusing to let the colonies establish law and government
-refusal to cooperate with the colonists in any way
What was the conclusion? King George III is “unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” Bam! The colonists show us how it’s done.
Here was their process:
Present a united front; peacefully protest; go to the people you have grievances with; try to resolve the issues; try again; keep trying until it becomes apparent they will not be reasoned with under any circumstance. It is time to separate. Spell the reasons out in clear terms, calmly and resolutely. Then, with “a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” do the morally right thing for all concerned.
The United Colonies firmly believed they “ought to be free and independent states….” So, they stepped out in faith to make a new nation that was “conceived in liberty.” To this day, we still are the benefactors of their incredible vision, faith, and courage.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸