Much of our news, in one way or another, concerns the culture and social issues, including sex. Is this what matters most? Somehow, these private matters have become political. Daily, the news involves sexual issues. Is it because sex sells? Or is our culture being dragged away and enticed into arenas that divert our attention from the economy, inflation, the military, our justice system, and more?
What Else Should We Care About?
What do you think is the most viewed congressional bill in the last several weeks? If you don’t know or don’t care, you are one of many Americans who are complacent about the government you and I have been entrusted to run.
Other countries struggle with war, poverty, debt, destruction, dictatorships, lack of or loss of freedom, education, and more. The world needs our leadership, and other powers are standing at the door, ready to take our place while we remain preoccupied. Would-be world powers capitalize on our preoccupation with the culture. They are making plans to take us over if they believe we are so weak that they can get away with it.
Frankly, it was good to see headlines the world over concerned with the rescue of the Titan submersible. (I even heard the word “prayer” mentioned in association with the tragic event on a national broadcast). It is good to see the world unite on saving human life rather than destroying it somehow. How refreshing!
What Can You Do?
Meanwhile, what can you do personally to avoid complacency or anger about our government?
Refuse to be bogged down in the fray of cultural issues. Pay close attention to cultural issues, but keep yourself and your family protected from the onslaught of the culture by handling these matters in your home. Don’t let cultural drift take precedence over your conscience.
Next, give other important national issues some of your attention. To that end, you can weekly discover the most-viewed congressional bills here:
Additionally, if Congress isn’t handling issues most important to you and your family, email your representatives. Finally, screen candidates to see what they prioritize as essential issues facing our country. Vote for those who best represent what you believe is constitutional and in the best interests of you, your family, and your country.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸