One of the more common questions I receive at Common Sense Civics and Citizenship is, “Why doesn’t the President do something (about the state of our nation)?” This question shows a tremendous lack of American civics knowledge.
Americans who did not have a strong civics foundation have a sense that the President is a parent-like figure. For example, in natural disasters, they believe the President should fix it and make it all better. How many of you know that your sheriff is your first line of defense in an emergency? Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard that “all politics is local.” It’s an old saying that is true. The people closest to you in proximity are your best bet in an emergency. If your family lives in Tennessee and you live in Maine, it’s your neighbors who can first assist you in times of need. That’s why our local primaries should have the highest voting attendance, not the lowest.
When it comes to COVID-19, many Americans believe the President did nothing, kind of like a dad who skips his child support payment or an absentee father. Again, local and state officials make the call on the rules. If you are in perpetual lockdown, who is making those calls and why? What is their motive? Better yet, has the death rate declined in your state since the early spring? If you do not know, you depend on the wrong people for information. The President’s job is not to take you to the doctor. It’s his/her job to empower state officials to do their job effectively. The President provides information, communication, and needed materials, so the doctors have what they need to treat you. It’s your job to seek the best information possible and take care of yourself and your family.
When it comes to those who would destroy our history at its foundations, many ask why the President doesn’t make it stop? These same individuals trust their higher education and their children’s schooling to institutions that teach and promote a curriculum that does not prepare them for life. Students do not learn arduous classical knowledge that was formerly taught in school. They know nothing of our Founders’ virtues, sacrifices, and bravery. Instead, the “flaws” of people who lived 200 years ago are stretched and magnified beyond recognition. The student learns to be “woke” but not awakened to what takes to be a free people, like virtue, loyalty, hard work, and sacrifice. They are like sheep led astray. The President is not on the hiring committee of schools. If you are unsatisfied, you have other options. Have you explored all your options?
The least popular articles on this site are the ones with plain civics teaching. You know, the posts discussing the separation of powers, limited and enumerated powers, nullification, the amendments, etc. How can we know we are being duped if we don’t know our actual Founding documents? Learning is hard work. Americans can reclaim their heritage through a real knowledge of basic government structure. What could be more critical at this time in history? How willing are you to obtain or review basic civics for yourself and your posterity?
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. ??