What will turn out to be the X factor with the Coronavirus? There are so many unknowns at this point. There are a few knowns. Let’s discuss and explore these as we face cancellations, financial concerns, confinement, and concerns about the spread of the virus.
Since we are Common Sense Civics and Citizenship, we may feel like the odd man out since we don’t panic. We’re all about action, not anger. While others around me have expressed deep concern for my lack of panic—liberty-shaming me, if you will— i maintain that we are a free-born people. We were birthed in liberty. Older Americans know our rugged individualist roots and they embrace them. We the People run the government, not the other way around. We respect the authorities, but we don’t follow blindly like sheep without a Shepherd.
Cancellations…. How are you doing with these?
How to deal with disappointment? What creative substitutes are you doing to improvise with the cancellations in your life? So far, my pro-sports event, a visit to my grandchildren (my daughter is an R.N.), church services (will be broadcast online), and two important trips for my husband have all been cancelled. I accept the fact that this is temporary. I do not accept the fact that this will be long term or permanent, nor should I. For having this perspective, I have been freedom-shamed. Fellow Americans, the government may advise us to restrict our activities. However, the question becomes, does the Constitution give any governing authority the right to confine us indefinitely? Check your state constitution. Does it give your Governor the right to quarantine you indefinitely? The CDC says the government has the right to restrict activities based on the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Read more here:
Please note: The American government is not forbidding any of us from leaving the country. We are not a Communist country. That is why we are free to leave. Non-citizens from certain countries are restricted from entering the U.S.A. If you are an American, you can come home, but you may be subject to testing and possibly a two-week quarantine period.
Financial concerns… How are you doing with these? Some people have a point at which they will bend. Others have a point at which they will break. If you are losing sleep at night over your finances, by all means, it may be best to take steps to alleviate your anxiety. The federal government should not come in to rescue everyone at the expense of a few. That would be socialism. It may be necessary to enact temporary measures to give those in need a hand up. Just remember, you are the government. If you pay taxes, it’s your money. Be vigilant to watch how Washington D.C. is spending your money during this crisis. It’s easy to spend someone else’s money. That someone else is you, if you are paying taxes.
Concerns about the spread of the virus…How are you doing with quarantine? It’s novel at first, but as the days go on, this may become harder and harder to do. Follow the CDC recommendations, like hand-washing, cleaning surfaces often (as the virus can live for 3 days on hard surfaces), not going out into large crowds, checking in with the elderly, not wearing a mask if you are not showing symptoms, etc. Just a note… Your pre-schooler would love to be in charge of wiping the germs off of your doorknobs twice a day. Your growing child would love to take a cleansing cloth to the light switches (they will find the ones that you forgot about!) Guess who would love to clean your cell phone several times a day? Right. You get the idea.
Be courageous but vigilant. Don’t ever be embarrassed or shamed for having freedom flow through your veins. Our Founders did. We have a good heritage. Remember, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. ??