We’re hearing rumblings about “threats to democracy.” Exactly, what does that mean? First, let’s define “democracy.” Founder James Madison called it “mob rule.” It’s a majority vote, no debate. That’s why our Founders adopted a Constitutional Republic where debate occurs, not a revolving door of hot-headed legislation. Recently, democracy has been described as “three wolves and one sheep deciding what to eat for dinner.” I think you get the idea. That’s not how the United States rolls.
Are There “Threats to Democracy?”
What or who is the impending “threat to democracy” that’s talked about so often? Since we don’t have a pure democracy, perhaps the “powers that be” actually mean to say, “a threat to our Constitutional Republic.” Here’s the problem with that statement. The Constitution calls itself the Supreme Law of the Land (see Article VI). The Amendment process is lengthy, allowing for much debate (2/3 of both Houses, 3/4 of all states, or 3/4 of state legislatures calling for a Convention of the States). https://civicsandcitizenship.org/what-is-convention-of-states/ We resolve constitutional issues by the amendment process our Founding Fathers prescribed.
Back to the question: What or who is “a threat to democracy”? Since we don’t live in a pure democracy, there is no threat from within our country to a system of government that we don’t have. Instead, we have a Constitutional Republic and an amendment process in our Constitution to address issues. I can certainly think of many threats to our country from outside the United States, but a supposed threat to democracy from within sounds more like fear of a political threat from citizens. In fact, it sounds a lot like F.E.A.R., i.e., “False Expectations Appearing Real.”
Choose Courage Over Fear
We should not be given over to fear. That’s the opposite of the courage our forefathers and families exercised when building this country. I do think we should be aware of careless rhetoric and what that might do to our Constitutional Republic.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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