You’ve probably heard a lot about the NSA, CIA, FBI, and the Secret Service. Do you know the difference between the work these agencies do? While their work may have some overlap, each agency has a distinct role in keeping you and me safe. Let’s refresh our knowledge of how these agencies serve We the People.
What Is the National Security Administration?
The National Security Agency (NSA) does the tireless yet exciting work of preventing hackers from stealing our secrets and interpreting signals that prevent enemies from blowing us up. They eavesdrop and break codes. The NSA processes information for intelligence and counterintelligence purposes. Needless to say, you have to be able to keep a secret to work here. The NSA is an intelligence agency of the U.S. Department of Defense (military) and is run by the Director of National Intelligence.
What Is the Central Intelligence Agency?
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)is a civilian agency whose main job is to collect information from foreign sources that threaten the welfare of U.S. citizens. Working for the CIA, you must be interested in keeping “eternal vigilance” over our country to prevent foreign adversaries from harming us. The CIA serves at the pleasure of the President and the Intelligence Oversight Committees of Congress.
What Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Unlike the CIA or NSA, the FBI investigates interstate crime. For example, if a criminal commits a crime in New York and crosses into Pennsylvania, the FBI is called in to investigate the crime because the criminal/crime has crossed state lines. These crimes can be retail theft, kidnapping, cybercrime, fraud, or anything in between. (You may know the phrase “The FBI’s Most Wanted”). The FBI reports to the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence.
What Is the Secret Service?
The Secret Service uses talent and technology to protect people, but did you know they protect our currency, too? According to :
“We have an integrated mission of protection and investigations to ensure the safety and security of our protectees, key locations, and events of national significance. We also protect the integrity of our currency and investigate crimes against the U.S. financial system committed by criminals around the world and in cyberspace.”
In Conclusion
These intelligence agencies have different missions but a common goal: to serve us and secure our safety and stability as a nation. Understanding their roles helps us appreciate their work and holds them accountable to their mission of serving We the People.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸