Understand the Times
What an eye-opener it is to read the opposing views of what America is! Thanks to the long Independence holiday weekend, we had an opportunity to read more than usual. You would not know that we were living in the same country, depending on which media you accessed. Since we don’t name names or vent here, I will list some of the views expressed over the weekend of celebrations (And celebrate we did!).
Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself.
Hate your neighbor if they don’t look like you and hate your country because it is terrible.
The Declaration of Independence was just the beginning of America recognizing the self-evident truth that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” America must continue to strive for its founding ideals or lose the country.
The Declaration of Independence was only for one color of persons. No minorities or indigenous peoples signed it.
The Declaration of Independence is a document for all times, for all people. It is one of the greatest documents ever written.
The Declaration of Independence was written by old, dead, white men. This new generation of leaders will progress beyond a failed idealism to making a perfect nation where citizens have equity (translation: not equal opportunity, but equal outcomes) in life, liberty, and property.
Americans must continue to cherish their freedoms. They must be virtuous citizens to avoid tyranny and despotism.
Americans must destroy every aspect of the American heritage. Every vestige must be torn down, taken apart, and remade by force, if necessary.
Yes, these opposites crossed my path over the Independence Day holiday. How do we survive as a country with such a disparity in views? I say we go back to the basics of reading and studying our founding documents- The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Study the Founders’ own words. Don’t pick apart the Founders’ lives. After all, which country on planet earth was started by perfect people?
Understand the times in which we live. Look for those who want you to own your own life and make your own decisions, not those that want to run every aspect of your life for you. If we do not stand up for liberty, we will lose it to tyranny.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸