We the People have spoken. We, the ultimate decision-makers, have the constitutional right to choose our leaders. The United States is a bottom-up, not a top-down, organization. We govern indirectly through the leaders we directly select, a power that rests solely in our hands.
When we don’t like the country’s direction, We the People change the direction, always under the unwavering guidance of our founding American documents-The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
These founding documents declare and support the idea that our unalienable rights come from an unchanging God and are not given to us by humans who can change their minds at will. Our unalienable rights are rights that can’t be taken away because we are born with them, a steadfast assurance in our lives.
Freedom is in our DNA, I always say. A British acquaintance once remarked, “You Americans are a rebellious lot,” to which I responded in true American spirit, “Yep!” When government forgets its place in the lives of Americans, We the People step up to remind them who is in charge–We are. “They” work for us. It may take time, but we take the power that our founding documents give to us. We stand up to safeguard our rights.
We are a free-born people, thank God!
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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