Do you think the House of Representatives should be meeting in person in the Capitol during the COViD-19 quarantine? That is the question I deal with this week in two separate articles featured in this newsletter. It was through the comments on my Common Sense Civics and Citizenship Facebook page, that discovered some brilliant responses to our current crisis. I also learned that many Americans know very little about Congress or how it operates. Some citizens take their civics and citizenship lessons from radio, television, and print media with little understanding of how our Founders designed the country to work. Consequently, they are angry. You might find additional information in this week’s featured articles that leads you to a different conclusion.
One thing Americans do know inherently is that we are a free-born people. We are becoming less and less willing to be told to shelter in place. My husband and I went a few miles across the state line where stores remain closed but the people were out in full force, enjoying spring. One little ice cream shop opened for take out. Everyone and their mother’s uncle had an ice cream cone in hand. It was only 65 degrees, but you could sense it….people want their freedom and their sense of normalcy back. I know the risks. My sanity was worth it to venture out safely. And yes, everyone practiced gracious social distancing in the great outdoors. We had the hand sanitizers, wipes, masks, etc. with us. People were so friendly, too. Just what I needed!
Thank you for subscribing to the weekly updates. Each week I will include the latest articles I have written. An occasional personal note from me will also arrive in the weekly email. The advantage of being a subscriber is the ability to see Common Sense Civics and Citizenship without the comments that usually appear with social media posts. Seeing things in a new way without comment can provide additional insights. It’s like watching C-SPAN. They just run the cameras with no comment. Viewing national events in this way gives you an opportunity to form your own opinions. Learning is not cluttered with distractions. And so it is with reading the weekly updates we send. I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you for being an American who is interested in a Common Sense approach to Civics and Citizenship.
For Liberty,
Candace Donnelly