It’s been a challenging week nationally and personally. The blog handles some of the national topics related to our civics and citizenship. Personally, Facebook decided that in order to maintain my Common Sense Civics and Citizenship page, I would need a different address as well as a new email address that ties my domain name to my email address. I’m still not out of the woods trying to line all of this up to their specifications. If I want to maintain a page where subscribers here can join the discussion on Facebook, then I need to comply with FB and their regulations. It’s a pain but it’s also what is required to have a “classroom” where we learn from each other.
We employ respectful conversations that Americans can and should have on a national platform. I learn so much from you, my fellow Americans, that it is worth the effort to maintain this website and the social media page on FB. I hope you conclude that your time is well-spent here as well. We’re not alone. There are plenty of citizens who still believe in America. We treasure her founding and our organic founding documents. We recognize that we are a relatively young nation that is still a work in progress. It’s important to share our stories, questions, and American heritage with each other.
Thank you for subscribing to the weekly updates. Each week I will include the latest articles I have written. An occasional personal note from me will also arrive in the weekly email. The advantage of being a subscriber is the ability to see Common Sense Civics and Citizenship without the comments that usually appear with social media posts. Seeing things in a new way without comment can provide additional insights. It’s like watching C-SPAN. They just run the cameras with no comment. Viewing national events in this way gives you an opportunity to form your own opinions. Learning is not cluttered with distractions. And so it is with reading the weekly updates we send. I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you for being an American who is interested in a Common Sense approach to Civics and Citizenship.
For Liberty,
Candace Donnelly