Have you thought about the future implications of the COVID-19 pandemic? We’ve had more time to think. Will introspection bring out the best in America when this “plague” passes over?
The numbers of murders in Chicago are way down. Do you think that trend will continue on a national level? Or will things return to “normal” when the threat of death by a silent killer virus is no longer a deterrent?
Will Americans continue these new handwashing habits as they see the numbers of colds and flu-related illnesses decrease?
Will we establish permanent routines of cleansing, prayer, meditation, or exercise?
Will the American handshake be passe’? If so, what could replace it?
Americans will return to sporting events and concerts, but will we idolize our heroes as much as before?
Unemployment checks may equal more than eligible citizens currently make at their jobs for a few months. Will Americans go back to work willingly for less money than their temporary government check provides? Will Americans view work with fresh eyes as an honorable way of life?
What about changing professions? Will our country experience a massive trend of people looking to change jobs for any number of reasons?
Will Americans come to expect a massive stimulus package, regardless of the debt load, in any future crisis even close to this pandemic of 2020?
The United States has experienced problems in our supply chains as a result of COVID-19. Will we seek to meet the supply chain need by providing our own supplies within our own country? What implications will that have on our relationship with other countries, say, like China?
I’m wondering if our nation’s children will respect their teachers more or less when they return to school. Will they willingly do their homework?
We’ve seen Americans step up in a big way to this pandemic challenge. Will “old fences get mended?” Will we once again, as in yesteryear, become a kinder, more compassionate citizenry?
Will we retain all of our rights and guarantees in the Constitution?
I’ve been thinking and wondering. What are your thoughts about the implications of COVID-19?
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. ??