Ever since Pilate asked Christ, “What is truth?” ( https://biblia.com/bible/esv/john/18/33-38,) the question still reverberates through every civilization and generation. My father-in-law used to say that all of life is a search for the truth. That is where we find ourselves today. We are faced with cultural drift that expects, even demands, we believe up is down and down is up.
Who Cares About Truth Anymore?
Not enough of us care about what is true. We care about how we feel and who is right, not what is right. It’s more fashionable in today’s society to pit right against left. However, suggesting cultural drift is not political but moral can land you in secular prison. Try saying that it’s good vs. evil, not right vs. left, and check the reaction you get.
It Only Takes a Few
Historically, it only takes a few who can discern good from evil, up from down, and truth from error to change entire nations. The American founding generation was NOT filled with 100 percenters in favor of the American experiment in self-government. On the contrary, a small minority took on the challenge of government by the people to change the course of history. Eventually, the United States became the greatest nation on earth. We lit the flame of self-government through a lot of self-sacrifice. We showed a doubtful planet that self-government is not only desirable, but possible.
Seek, Stand, Support
It’s time to:
-seek truth, not a cult of personality
-stand up for absolute truth ( If truth is relative, then there is no truth-just feelings).
-support others who are willing to seek good and promote a moral nation
-step out of the shadows and into the light
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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