Welcome back to Common Sense Civics and Citizenship! More and more, it seems, people are starting to realize what is going on in the United States. If you are a diversified news watcher, I’m sure you’re seeing it, too. It really has my attention. In this week’s newsletter, we look at what we believe and connect that to behavior in the article below as well as an additional one, “National Sovereignty Under Attack.” Again, welcome. Glad to have you among our subscribers!
“What we believe is how we behave.” Is that true? How will you behave if you embrace the following cultural shift?
Many Americans are being taught to believe :
-that we are not created equal, that group identity is important, but some groups are more important than others.,
– that our rights come from our government and not our Creator.
– that government should have unlimited power to grant rights and privileges to those they choose.
Last week we talked about our Founders’ beliefs, the sources of those beliefs, and the fact that those beliefs became the basis for our Declaration of Independence-personal freedom, unalienable rights, and equality of opportunity, not outcomes.
However, how will you behave if you believe that some people are more important than others and that group identity supersedes your identity? What happens to your freedom? For one, you begin to practice groupthink rather than looking up our founding documents and reading them for yourself.
You will seek to affiliate yourself with the groups with the most prominence and privileges. You will subordinate others to yourself, sort of like re-creating the kingdom our Founders left behind; a “kingly arrogance,” if you will. You will lose your freedom eventually.
If you believe that our rights come from the government, not our Creator, you surrender your rights to a fallible authority. You give your rights over to unknown individuals to make personal decisions for your life. The rights they “give” you can also be taken away from you. What’s to stop them? And, once you surrender your rights, what are the chances you will get those rights back? You will lose your individual freedom permanently.
If you believe that government should have unlimited power to grant rights and privileges to whom “they” choose, what if you are not among the chosen? What if lawlessness (like bribery, theft, or slavery) becomes a way of life in your nation? You will lose your country.
A healthy respect for and study of the founding documents is necessary to refute the cultural shift that appeals to the senses now but gradually erodes liberty over time.
It’s like watching waves beat against the rocks. It looks powerful and wonderful, but over time, the stones erode, getting swallowed up by the never-ending force of the waves.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship.🇺🇸
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