What happens when government policies submerge the will of the People? For one, we lose freedom. Let’s explore this topic as it affects many nations, including ours.
In free countries, the people’s will is supposed to guide government policies. However, when government policies override or, worse, ignore the will of the people, freedom is the first casualty. Think about it. Either the will of the people governs the nation, or the leaders govern the nation. In the United States of America, the first three words of the Constitution are “We the People.โ
Defining the Will of the People
For purposes of this article, the will of the people is defined by what you and I want individually, and taken together, it is an expression of what We the People want as a whole. The Declaration Of Independence says that our government derives its power from “the consent of the governed.” We make our will known through discussions, public formats and meetings, contacting our senators and representatives, referendums, and elections.
Examples of Divergence Between the Will of the People and Government Policies
The ruling elite can decide to impose their will on the People. When this happens, the citizens’ vote and opinion no longer count. Is what the leadership wants always in the best interests of a country? Could other factors, like power and money, influence their decisions?
Next, special interest groups can use their power to affect decisions that may differ from what the People want. They have the right to lobby for their special interest. Elected representatives must hear them out. Ultimately, Congress should decide in favor of the People, but there is sometimes divergence.
Additionally, there are other external pressures, like geopolitics or national obligations, that must be fulfilled. At times, these pressures may subvert the will of the People. Again, when this happens, the citizens’ will is subverted for other concerns. The citizens lose power and freedom when divergence occurs.
The Consequences of Ignoring the Will of the People
You may remember the Vietnam War Protests, Brexit, and the Greece austerity imposed on the people as examples of tension between the will of the People and government policies. When the People’s will is subverted in a free society, there are consequences, such as:
1. People lose trust in their government. Apathy and disillusionment follow. The People may stop voting since they may think their opinion doesn’t matter. (This is a fallacy. Never stop voting. Show up every time. The other side wins when there’s only, say, 9% voter turnout). This happened recently in a California town’s local election.
2. Civil disobedience can occur.
3. Policies that don’t garner the will of the People will become ineffective as the People find ways around such policies. An example of this happened today in my downtown area. There were large groups of people involved in a dispute. Metro and other local police drove by several times but did nothing. Policies of no enforcement have no immediate consequences, but when the People rise up, change will happen, like businesses moving out of the downtown area, tax base drying up, etc.
Re-aligning the Will of the People and Government Policies
Since the American government derives its power from the consent of the governed, aligning government to the people’s will is a high priority. The government must make a concerted effort to be transparent and accountable to us, the People. Public participation in policy-making decisions is also necessary. If the government holds a hearing in your area, attend it!
Another essential ingredient is the media returning to a standard of unbiased reporting. On the flip side, we the People decide to vary our sources of information, not seeking to be merely entertained but to be armed with knowledge and the truth.
Harmony results when the government considers the people’s will in its policy decisions. It is our responsibility to elect officials who desire to live in a free country, not one controlled by the government but by the Constitution and the will of the People.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. ๐บ๐ธ
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