When “they” say “democracy,” what “they” really mean is Big Government control. “They” (and you know who “they” are) use these words as synonyms. You know what a democracy is but be careful how the word is used. Since we have civil discussions here, we will stick to the principles of liberty, not the many proponents of big government who want to feed into the desire for security, not the blessing of individual freedom.
Democracy Is Not the Same As Big Government
What is Big Government? I say that it is the world’s way of controlling people. “Wait,” you may say. Isn’t a large government powerful and feared in the real world? Don’t we want to be the biggest, strongest country on the face of the earth? The centuries of history have operated this way. Yet, none of those big governments have had the survival rate of America.
We Are a Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy
America started as settlers, then colonies, who rejected the King of England’s Big Government control. We chose to be a Constitutional Republic governed by We the People. America began as a proponent of small government and individual liberty. The world has never seen anything like it in over 240 years.
America was founded on such principles as liberty (personal and economic freedom), limited government (see our U.S. Constitution), natural rights (i.e., life, liberty, and property), equal justice under the law, due process of law (not rules for some but not others), a Bill of Rights, limited government (not arbitrary government power), and more. Now, if you sense that some of these principles of liberty are slipping away, it is because of the delusion of Big Government, sold to us as “democracy” for “their” freedom, not ours. “They” will replace God and morality (a solid moral base is essential to liberty) with “their” rule and rules.
What Type Of Government Do You Want?
In any case, is this what you want? Do you want “Big Government?” Or do you want a limited, small government with the notions of liberty enshrined in our founding American documents?
Here are some ways to support a smaller government:
– Adopt Constitutional language, not communist language.
– Support economic freedom, less regulation, small business ownership.
– Be courageous, standing on principles you know to be right.
– Be level-headed and strong in your convictions, but grant dignity and worth to other humans who disagree with you, even when they make you mad.
– Live as a trustworthy person in a world gone awry.
– Respect yourself by leveling up your behavior, actions, and dress (i.e.,
clean clothes).
-Be responsible (pay your bills, take care of your personal space, yard, etc.
-Love your country and raise your children to do the same.
We are in charge of keeping our freedom. No one else will do it for us. Think of other ways to promote liberty in your life, city, state, and country.
This is Common Sense Civics and Citizenship. 🇺🇸